And a Side Order of Orgasm Please

In case you couldn’t tell by the title, this post is not for the young ones.


Have you ever had an orgasm so intense it’s all you think about 24 hours later? Well I had mine last night, at Coyote’s place, while his mother was twenty feet away.

Scene: A small wood building, equipped with a dinning nook, stove, refrigerator, and big screen TV (Looked about 55 or 60 inches) otherwise known as the “man-cave”.  Dusk is approaching fast, the crickets are sending their mating call out and the dogs are barking to be let out. Three people, a woman of about 50, a young gentleman of 22, and a young woman of 21 share a few laughs as they clean up after the home cooked meal the young man and nice lady prepared. The nice lady, Mrs. Coyote, starts making her way to the house in front of the man-cave leaving the young man, Coyote, and the young lady, Girl Y alone for a whole twenty minutes. Of course they do the dirty in the man-cave.

I know, I know. I was supposed to talk to him about about my anxiety over his lack of communication. But guys, come one. Best orgasm I have EVER had. I know, I know, I’m only 21, I have plenty of time for orgasms, but it just so happened I had my first mind blowing orgasm, yesterday afternoon where he and his father go to relax. Talk about a bad-boy *insert obvious winky face here*

During our good-bye kisses, I did inform him that his lack of communication did cause a bit of stress on my end. Maybe he will get better, maybe he won’t. All I know is the sex is WOW, he has formerly introduced me to his mother.Up next are Father and Sister formal introductions on his side and he has to meet my mother and my brother before we labeled “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”. I can’t remember the last time I had to work this hard just to get a full blown relationship. It’s nice. usually the guys are working for me.

So I bring back the question from my last post. Where is the flaw line drawn?

I haven’t found mine with Coyote yet. But I have found the metaphorical line for myself.

Yesterday, somewhere between post orgasm and pre-innocent smile for my mom, I realized I had let my anxiety take over my life. I was terrified that this sensational, gracious, mind blowing lover, was going to walk. Why? Because I am used to a guy that texts me throughout the day. I have never been with a man that works as long or as much as he does. But when he saw me, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me. Nothing felt more me real to me at that moment than his kiss. I know, I know, that’s the bull shit you read in teen romance novels, but isn’t that what we are all looking for? A surreal kiss with a side order of orgasm?

-Girl Y